I'm Here!

I haven't posted for awhile once again. Something about having a baby in the house and trying to keep up with normal things I need to get done first seems to get in the way of blogging. For some reason my family insists on silly things like eating every day. It's quite irritating. Once we get in more of a routine, I imagine things will get easier.  It also didn't help that I had a minor surgery on Monday. Remember me talking about my ginormous outie belly button while I was pregnant? Turns out I got a bit of a hernia with this pregnancy, so I got that fixed on Monday.  I've never had a surgery before, so I didn't realize how it would completely knock me out and slow me down for a few days. I felt great yesterday and overdid it, so now I'm paying for my yesterday's energy burst today. :(  I'm trying to take it easy today and get some rest, but I'm not sure how successful I am at that. I think the rest part would be easier if I didn't have a newborn. Said newborn also has a bad habit of happily kicking my incision area/swollen tummy while she nurses. That doesn't feel so good. I'm getting good at holding her down while she eats.

And just so we don't have a post devoid of cute baby pictures, here you go.  Keilah likes to fall asleep in random places - like the middle of the floor. She'll be kicking and playing one minute and asleep the next.  It's cute and always makes me smile to come across this sleeping child in various places.

My big six week old baby!


  1. awesome thanks for keeping us up to date!! :) Hugs to ya all Frank & Jenny

  2. Pay strict attention to weight limits on lifting after abdominal surgery! I learned the hard way!

  3. Your post made me giggle about the eating part. Your father has the same annoying habit of wanting something to eat 3 times a day...and a few snacks mixed in. It must be hereditary !!!!!!

  4. Funny thing, the Burkholders and Flemings like to eat 3 times a day as well! Yes, take care of yourself and follow weight-lifting limits. Let me know if you need help, MomK

  5. Ah! She is so cute!! Sorry about your surgery. :(


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