Settling In

It's hard to believe that just two and a half weeks ago, this bundle of cuteness was crammed into my stomach. I'm so happy she's outside of me now so I can kiss those cute cheeks of hers. We are getting used to our new life of four kids. Keilah continues to spoil us rotten by being such a good and easy baby (can you say sleeping 6 hours a night already?!).  Her version of being fussy is occasionally crying for about 30 seconds tops as she's drifting off to sleep.
She often has a look of alarm on her face. I find it amusing.
Another expression of alarm.
On Saturday, the girls presented me with a breakfast menu when I got up (Saturday is my day to sleep in). It was precious.  Abby took my order and Ana set about making my breakfast.
Here is the finished breakfast order, brought to me on a serving tray.  What sweethearts I have!
Later that day, we made graham cracker houses together - they are much easier to deal with than true gingerbread houses.
The finished houses.
Abby is taking great delight in holding her little sister as much as possible.  She does a very good job with it and I'm sure Keilah will come to adore her big sister Abby and all the love she is showered with.


  1. Keilah really looks a lot like Abby except for her coloring at the moment. Cute cute pictures.

  2. You have an adorable baby.. so precious. And every time I read or hear her name, I love it more. -Jasmine

  3. Congratulations on your new, sweet bundle!


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