Abby's New Look

We've had a busy last week or so.  Here's some big news in Abby's life.  She lost her two front teeth. They came out about four days apart.  She truly lost the second tooth and wasn't able to put it under her pillow for the tooth fairy.  The tooth fairy apparently isn't as vigiliant about leaving money when there is no actual tooth to collect.  But after a few days, our tooth fairy remembered and finally slipped some money under Abby's pillow along with an extra quarter for having to wait so long for her to decide to show up.  At the same time, David had a tooth under his pillow for about three weeks waiting for the tooth fairy.  The tooth fairy finally had to visit during the day when he wasn't in his room, when she finally remembered to pick up the tooth.  It's hard on the tooth fairy to show up when David stays up later than the tooth fairy does these days.  Here's Abby's new look:
She's also delighted with the fact that she doesn't have to open up her mouth now to stick out her tongue.
Abby's t-ball games started last week.  I haven't been able to go to one yet.  Her first one got cancelled for rain and her second one was at the same time as one of Ana's games.  Since I'm the coach of Ana's team, I figured I should show up.  Thankfully Daddy does a good job of watching and cheering on Abby.  Here she is ready for her first game!
Ana's team now has a 2-2 record.  I'm happy that they could win a couple of games as last year they didn't win any games.  After our game tonight, we'll be halfway through the season.  Yea!  I enjoy it, but am always glad when the season is over.  I get tired of quick, hurried meals and being at the ballpark almost every night.

The girls are done with school for the year and greatly enjoyed every last bit of it.  They are looking forward to next year already.  I am enjoying the more relaxed days and getting some projects done that I've been wanting to do for awhile. This morning's projects were to get the back porch and front porch cleaned.  We were successful in both attempts and now the girls are happily playing on the clean back porch.  Tomorrow, we'll tackle another area of the house on my to-do list. 

I'm 14 weeks along now and feeling better most days - I still have moments of nausea and lots of fatigue, but I think I'm beginning to enter the fun second trimester stage of feeling good.  One of these days I'll get a tummy shot in here for you.  Depending on what I wear, I can definitely look pregnant! I tend to show pretty early it seems. Wearing t-shirts just makes me look that awkward "is she pregnant or just getting fat?" stage.  I usually just wear t-shirts around home as I don't care.  When I go out somewhere nice, I'll wear one of my two maternity shirts.  Can't wait for the end of June when my maternity wardrobe expands thanks to when I finially see my sister! 

What are some summer projects you are getting done?  What other fun things have you done this past week?  Tell me something fun about yourself!


  1. This summer we are working hard at getting the space along our driveway both beautified and so that it includes more privacy. So far, so good! I just made 7 batches of strawberry jam and 34 quarts of crushed berries for the freezer. Let the preserving begin! I really do enjoy "putting up" but this week I got overwhelmed with doing too much and once again need to learn when enough is enough. Something fun...I'm a homekeeping nerd. :) I love keeping track of how much produce I can/freeze, where I got it from, and who has the cheapest price. I also really enjoy organizing things and problem-solving poor storage areas to make them function better. I guess it's a gift, right?! :)


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