
I have a confession to make.  I cheated.  Yesterday was a low day.  I was feeling fairly ill in the morning.  I had scheduled a dentist appointment for the morning, and while I was on my way there, I began to feel quite yucky ( as in plotting my quick-stop-on-the-side-of-the-road-to-vomit yucky).  So I turned around and made it home, cancelled my appointment and promptly went to bed.  I slept 4 hours straight (this was after sleeping a hard 8 1/2 hours only two hours before). 

I woke up feeling refreshed enough to make it to the Iowa/Nebraska basketball game to which our neighbor so generously gave us tickets.  We didn't want to waste that opportunity.  And that's where I fell in my resolve.  I still felt a little shaky/ill and in need of some TLC and it's tradition that we get ice cream when ever we have the chance to go to a game.  So instead of staying strong and telling myself I would not eat any, I opted to get the cone. 

I told Aaron that if I cheated, I would have to have a public confession time so I wouldn't be dishonest to you.  And just so you know, he was not pushing me to give in at all.  Granted, he was happy when I decided to go for it, but would have been okay without. 

We went out for dinner afterwards to one of our favorite Chinese restaurants.  I stayed strong there and got the tofu/vegetable option when all I really wanted was my spicy chicken and noodles dish - nice comfort food.  I figured I had cheated enough for one night. 

So there you have it.  I'm back on track for the rest of the time.  Only 9 more days to go!  Yea!  I'm also feeling significantly better today than I did yesterday, so it's easier to think about eating what I should instead of wishing for comfort food. 


  1. Thanks loads....:) Now I am majorly sick...and having trouble not to stray. My throat hurts so bad that ice cream sounds good!!!!!

  2. I'm sure it was the comfort food that helped you recover so quickly! Glad you are feeling lots better and that you're back on track. One minor stray in 3 weeks is really very good. - MomK


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