Gourds and Random Reading Pictures

So it turns out that I am a great decorative gourd farmer.  All you need to grow your own decorative gourd is three old decorative gourds that were given to you last year and you didn't know what to do with them after having them sit on your kitchen counter for two months.  Just throw those into your compost pile in the middle of winter and forget about them.  In the spring when you see some squash plants growing in your compost pile, do not cover it up as you anticipate lovely useful squash like you've gotten in previous years of compost squash.  Allow the squash to grow up on the nearby lilac "bush" (though tree is more appropriate term).  The gourds look like Christmas tree ornaments as they dangle far above your head from the lilac tree.  Feel free to be disappointed that your compost squash are not useful because you are completely decorationally challenged and don't know the basic human skill of making things look pretty.  Pick an entire bushel of them.  Ask your friends and neighbors if they could use some of these useless objects to make their homes look attractive.  Think briefly of trying to sell them to strangers, but then put a stop to that idea because the idea of charging someone money for a useless item is outrageous.  So, if you have need of a decorative gourd, I'm your lady!  I do not want to put them in my compost pile again and be disappointed when my garden gems turn out to be things with which I do not know what to do.
And as promised from the title of this post, more random reading positions by my very talented random reading position son.

Be sure to check in tomorrow for yet another post!  Two days in a row! 
And now so I don't feel so bad, or maybe so I'll feel worse: Are you decorationally challenged?  Do you know how to make your home beautiful?  Do you want any of my gourds?


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