Daily Life

Life can sometimes get a little busy at times.  I just went through a longer spell of too much busyness (hence the lack of posting most recently).  It wasn't that I had any huge projects going on, but just a number of little things all piled up into one time period.  I could have forced the blogging in the midst of it, but I decided my own sanity was more important.  I won't give you the rundown of all I've done (and I didn't take many pictures at all these past two weeks, of course).  So here are a few things I have taken pictures of because they give me pleasure. 
Picture #1 - Pear Butter.  Aaron's mom owns a lovely pear tree and every year I get pears from her tree.  One of the things I did with them this year was to make pear butter.  It pleased me greatly and we very much enjoy digging into it on freshly made bread.  Yum!
Picture #2 - Fish!  We finally were all out of our summer tadpoles.  Many of them made it into froghood.  I cleaned out the aquarium and set it up.  We now have six goldfish happily residing in their new home.  A cleaner fish also makes his home among the goldfish.  Abby was quite delighted to finally get fish since she's been asking for some since our hamster died a long time ago.
Picture #3 - My plant.  I am notorious for killing things in pots.  I forget that they need basic things like water.  If I want a plant to live, I usually have to plant it outside and let God do the watering.  So this plant delights me for two reasons.  Reason number one is that it is alive inside my house.  Reason number two is because Ana and I started this from an avocado pit.  It's an avocado tree!  I realize this will never reach full size or produce avocados, but it still makes me happy everytime I see it and remember to water it.  I wonder how long I can make it last? 
For you to answer: Are you a good houseplant keeper?  Do potted plants thrive under your care?  I have one other larger plant that I have kept alive for almost two years now.  It's amazing... and hardy.


  1. I'm a horrible plant killer!

  2. I do ok but not the best. My oldest plant is from your brother's wedding so I guess it is about 12 years old. They do better outside of me. Someday when I get time (Ha) am going to study plant books and do it the right way !


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