Over Indulged

On Thursday, I made my very quick, easy go-to meal on a busy night - taco salad.  I had one last avocado to use up before it went bad.  And when I used it up, I discovered something tragic.  I have eaten so many avocados in the last three months, that I ended up over-indulging in them and now I no longer get giddy over them.  I could seriously have not had an avocado on my taco salad and still enjoyed it very much.  It kind of left me sad feeling.  It's like saying good-bye to a dear friend.  My last experience with avocado left me kind of feeling sick (bit of an upset tummy to start with and then ate too much of one and regretted it for several hours until my tummy stopped feeling like it wanted to puke).  So I guess I'll take a break from them for awhile - my grocery budget will appreciate that.  Maybe the next time I have one, it will bring back all my previous happy avocado experiences. 

I just overheard Abby saying this to Ana, "When Mom and Dad die and we have macaroni and cheese for lunch, can you make it?  Yours tastes much better than Mom's."  The kids all raved over Ana's mac-n-cheese when she made lunch for everyone a few weeks ago.  I think it's because she used the called for amount of butter in it.  I usually skimp on how much butter I put in - apparently the kids didn't realize what they were missing until Ana followed the directions.  : )  It's a pity that Abby has to wait until Aaron and die to get her mac-n-cheese the way she wants it.

On running news, my foot is still giving my issues to a certain degree.  Taking time off from running didn't seem to help anything other than get me out of shape.  So I decided to try to pick up some mileage again and see how I do.  It didn't feel too good today after a harder workout on it on Wednesday.  Grr.  I suppose I can learn to be more patient and try to take things slowly. 

All for now.  Happy Mother's Day tomorrow to all you lovely mothers out there!


  1. The Abby/Ana story made my sister and I laugh. A lot.

  2. (I can't believe I missed a post) Hummm...like mother like child or however that saying goes. It seems I hear you and Aaron talking about getting our house when we die. HA! By that time....this will be a run-down shack !!!!


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