Her Royal Highness

Keilah refuses to hold her own bottle. She feels entitled to having someone else do her dirty work for her. If I hand her a bottle, she will put it on the floor (standing straight up) and lean over with her hands spread out to the sides making sure not to touch the bottle and try in vain to get her milk out. So the other day, after she refused to hold her bottle, I stuck it on a chair to see if she would drink that way.
Now she can drink without having to dirty her delicate hands. 
Halloween came and went. Abby was a bunny. I didn't get a picture of her. I snapped a quick picture of Ana dressed as a tree. I had a number of little ones impatient to get going and we were already late, so I didn't get a picture of Ana fully dressed and carrying her stuffed cat that she dressed up in a homemade cardinal outfit. It was precious. I love this creative girl! 
While not walking yet, Keilah is also enjoying learning to climb up on things. 
Sitting on her little stroller/walker toy after happily climbing up on it. 
Life remains good and busy. It's hard to believe that in a few more weeks we'll be celebrating the one year birthday of our no longer little baby! How time flies!


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