Happy Birthday Keilah Rose!
Happy Birthday to my sweet one year old girl, Keilah Rose!
What a delight you are, my little girl! You adore your dog and bark incessantly for him when you want him or see him. You bark at all dogs or animals that are perceived to be dogs. You can walk on your feet when you want to, but prefer to walk on your knees. You giggle and laugh and love a good game of chase or "I'm gonna get you!" You are very ticklish. I hide bananas in my shopping cart when we get groceries, or you will see them and cry because you want one NOW. You adore your big brother and big sisters - probably just as much as they all adore you. Lately you've been demanding Daddy time too - even to the point of going to Dad before you come to me. :) You say hi and bye, dog and bottle, but not mama or dada. You hiss when we ask you what a snake says. Bath time is a time of great hilarity in your life, until you dunk yourself during your wild play - then it's not so much fun anymore. I feel like I'm wrestling an alligator when I change your diaper or get you dressed. You adore reading books. You have a mischievous sparkle in your eye as you play peek-a-boo with us. Your little life has brought so much joy to our family. We love you so much Miss Keilah Rose.
And now to end the post with a video of my happy girl. I was trying to catch a video of her jabbering away as she read her books, but she saw me and wanted to come over and talk. The blurry parts are when she is walking on her knees to get closer. It's a side to side motion that inches her closer to me. You will also hear how she barks and says bye. Enjoy!
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