Abby's New Look

Yesterday after school, we traveled to town to pick up Abby's glasses. She had been complaining last year that she didn't feel like she was able to see very well the things up on the whiteboard. So we got her checked out at the end of the school year, they suggested waiting until the new school year to check again. She was quite excited to pick out a pair of glasses last week.
Here are the sides - pink flowers and jewels! 
Glasses haven't changed the level of goofiness in her body. :)
Ana commented that now Abby looks like me. So they wanted a picture of the two of us together in our glasses. Here you go.  
This morning, Abby was quite excited to show off her new glasses to her friends at school. She only told three friends that she was getting them. The rest she was hoping to surprise. Hopefully it's a good day for her! I was in second grade when I first got a pair of glasses too- I didn't need them for much more than a year. They were also pink, but not very attractive. Let's just say I was going through a fairly awkward stage at that time in my life. :) I'll have to see if I can dig up a picture of them for Abby to see. If I can find one, I'll post it for your viewing pleasure as well.

Did you have any awkward years growing up?


  1. She made an excellent choice! Tell her my friend Mari, who I told her about last weekend, also wears glasses and thinks of them as part of her outfit.

    Sooooo many awkward years! Good thing I was growing out of them around the time I met Steve.

    Bummed we didn't get to see David's race. Thanks for sharing about it here.

  2. Tell Abby she looks super in those glasses. She joins cousin Timothy with glasses and goofy/professorial look, and there is some resemblance to him in those photos. Not to diminish the fact that she also looks a lot like Melissa. Hope they work as well as they look!

    I got my first glasses in 4th grade, and liked them right away - I could see without squinting! - but I don't think awkwardness set in until high school when I realized how different I was from the popular kids. Being extremely shy didn't help, but I survived. YAY for survival! - Mom/GrammaKay

  3. Abby looks really cute. And I don't think you ever had an awkward bone inyour body. For myself....I think 4th grade when I had very pretty long hair which I use to wear in a ponytail. My dad heard that wearing ponytails could make you go bald so HE cut my hair off about ear length that couldn't be put in a ponytail. I realize that you don't remember the logo of Buster Brown...but that is who I looked like...also 7th grade wasn't so hot either !!!!!!


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