Toads, Oboes, Cuteness, and Running

Earlier this spring, I was startled in my basement by a toad. I went to catch him, but he quickly hopped behind something and I wasn't going to go digging around trying to find him. I saw him two more times in the following week, and then no more. I hoped that he had found his way back out. Fast forward several months to where I was startled once again by the toad in my basement. This time, he looked well fed, fat, and happy. I'm not sure what he's been eating down there, but I was tempted to leave him as the more bugs he eats in my basement, ideally the fewer that make their way upstairs to our living area. However, I didn't want him dying down there and causing a stench, so he was caught, brought up for observation with the kids, and then released outside to make his way to a new home. 

Keilah remains very cute and is into everything she can get her little hands on. She loves eating all books that she can reach, any writing utensil left in her reach is preferable to baby toys. The bathroom is a place of wonder and delight and she has on a beacon letting her know when the bathroom door gets left open, or not fully latched. She has taken over the role of vacuuming for us. No need to sweep or vacuum with this little girl around! She'll quickly scan the floor for any small item not attached and suck it down into her canister of a belly.
Dog remains her very best friend and is more comforting than Mom when she's tired.
David continues to do quite well this year in cross country.
So far, he's gotten in the top five at every meet and has earned himself a medal each time. It is pleasing to him.
Fifth grade band has started and Ana is playing the oboe. The first time she got it out to play, Keilah was terrified by the sound and began crying hard and clinging to me in terror. She has since gotten over her terror and now really enjoys listening to Ana practice. She likes to sing and yell along with Ana. We've found that her yell/singing perfectly matches a B flat. This makes it difficult for Ana to practice as she ends up giggling too much to play. It is very cute.

Keilah still loves to eat. Though waiting for the food to arrive is sometimes boring.
More pictures of my running beast of a son.
I'm jealous of his arm definition. He doesn't even do weight training! Having no body fat helps with that, I suppose. 
I guess I don't have any pictures of Abby this round. Oh well. She got her own post with her new glasses awhile ago. She remains as wonderful, funny, and sweet as ever.
That's the latest from our neck of the woods. 

Here's a question for you to answer: I'll answer it too since it's fun!
What's the strangest living thing that has made its way into your home?
- a squirrel. We were gone for the day when we were first married and came home to find a squirrel hiding behind our nightstand in our bedroom. It got in through a loose screen in our upstairs window.  We got it out of the house by using a broom, a super soaker water gun, and lots of yelling, panicked laughter, and manic dancing.


  1. Enjoyed the news and photos! Can you transfer the Green Man photo of Abby from my email to post on the blog? Or I can bring the camera card if you want.

    Weird creatures in the house: Sometimes night-crawlers squeeze under the outside door to our basement and dry up on the concrete floor. Ew. Think we better get that little crack caulked! Oh, and we had a vole one time.


  2. PS - caption for Keilah waiting for food: "Where's the beef?" - but her bib says "eat your veggies"! - GK -

  3. Ha! We once found a bat walking calmly across our upstairs hallway during the daytime. I don't know what we would have done had we not had a second floor door to close. I left Dave to the task of catching him. I was having no part of that action! :)

  4. A 3 foot long snake made its way into my bedroom!! He soon learned that it WAS STILL my house!!!!!


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