Christmas Morning

This year for Christmas, I went with a homemade room improvements theme.  As mentioned in a previous post, David has more legos than is possible to play with or keep tidy in a small room.  So this year's present for him was a lego organization system.  I found a sweet 2-for-1 deal on these towers and then my dad and I (okay, mostly my dad) made the table top to go over the towers to provide a work station for his legos.  David loved it as he tries very hard to keep his legos organized, so this helps him greatly, not to mention frees up a lot of floor space.  He immediately set to work on getting things in their proper drawers when he saw it.
For the girls, I decided to turn the dormer in their room into a playhouse.  So while they were gone over Thanksgiving, I did my one and only time of Black Friday shopping when I could get some fabric very cheaply.  I hope to never go Black Friday shopping again.  Here is a picture of the outside of the playhouse. 
The door opens and closes, though I need to make a better latch for it.  The windows are covered with mesh to keep out intruders and they have curtain in all windows for light or privacy.  Here are some inside details.  The desk my dad and I made (again mainly my dad).   
Two shelves were put up above the desk. 
An old bulletin board.  The face of it was pretty bad and worn, so I just stapled colored paper over it and it looks pretty.  Funny story - to get the girls to help me get their dormer ready for its transformation (was full of all sorts of "treasures" that needed to be thrown away, and walls needed to be repainted to cover up their do-it-yourself wall art), I told them that I would put up a bulletin board in their room if we got it cleaned up.  They were so amazingly excited over the prospect of a bulletin board that they were practically giddy the entire time we were cleaning.  I had such a hard time waiting for them to see their fully transformed room on Christmas morning. 
Happy faces. 
Since I figured they would have a fun reaction when they saw their room, I took a video of it.  Enjoy.


  1. Excited girls! Love Mindy

  2. Nice! What great projects. Your children will never forget this Christmas.

  3. You did an amazing job Melissa! Great ideas...

  4. too cute, one of my sister and i's favorite presents was a playhouse my grandpa built for us. that video was awesome


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