Birthday Season

Aaron's birthday is right in the middle of December.  Every one else in our family has summer birthdays and don't have to share our birthday with any major holidays.  So Aaron logically concluded that the best way to celebrate his birthday is to declare a "birthday season".  His birthday season usually starts at the beginning of December and doesn't end until he sees his "boy movie" with his buddies sometime after his birthday.  Wow, I just realized that "boy movie" may not sound totally appropriate.  Let me clarify.  A "boy movie" is any movie that involves lots of action and adventure with plenty of guns, chase scenes, explosions, and enough tension in the plot to tie my muscles up in knots for a week.  He knows that he has to watch movies that like with other boys and not his wife.  There is usually a movie of this nature out in the theatres about this time of the year.

Back to birthday seasons.  Aaron officially kick started his birthday season on December 1st this year when his long awaited box was delivered to our doorstep, courtesy of FedEx.
What was in it?  Britannia - a boy game.  A boy game is any board game that has a rule book (and I do mean book) of at least 87 pages in length and takes a minimum of 6 hours to play.  It usually involves some form of conquering the world as well.

I decided to be a nice wife and play a game with him and David.  It unfortunately requires 3 people to play.  Usually Aaron and David (who is also a boy and has inherited this desire to play boy games) happily play these sorts of games together while I happily do something else.  So, being the good wife that I am, I succumbed to their begging and begrudgingly assented to playing.  In terms of games like these, it was the best one I've played yet.  It took two three hour long sessions each over the course of two days to get it done.  I ended up winning.  So that helped to take away the sting of losing 6 hours of my life to that game.  I have agreed to play one more time during the week of Christmas.  Then I will officially close my grace to Aaron's birthday season and will hopefully never play it again.

How about you?  Do you share your birthday with any other holiday?  What do you do to make it special?


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