Let the Summer Fun Begin!

Well, it appears that I haven't written for awhile. Whoops. Track kept me busy, but it's now over. We ended the season as conference champs in both 7th and 8th grade (oh yeah!) It was piles of fun and I can't wait for next year. Despite what people often say, I think middle school girls are awesome! Today was the last day of school, so summer has officially started now! I'm looking forward to slower days and a relaxed daily schedule. Garden season is gearing up now and soon I'll be eating lots of yummy things from my backyard. And now for pictures...
Sundays are hard on Keilah as they interfere with nap time. Here she couldn't make it through lunch before succumbing to precious sleep. That's sad, because Sunday-pizza-for-lunch time is the only time she will eat any sort of meat.
She continues to stop whatever cute thing it was that I was trying to get a picture of the moment she sees me get the camera. I have piles of pictures of her doing this and not of the cute thing I was trying to snap a picture.
More cheesy "smile" faces.
They just never end. 
Some day I'll get that picture I wanted.
Caught her the moment before she tipped her head back for another fake smile.
I managed to put her hair in pigtails the other week for the first time one Sunday morning. I had to work quickly. 

I cleaned off the back porch from winter time and Keilah has been delighted by the expansion of her world. Much time is spent back there playing and making that room into a mess. I sneaked up on her and quickly took this picture before she could see me and give another fake cheesy smile.
Sitting in the car with me and eating a muffin while we wait for David to be done with band at the middle school. She's wearing her favorite purple shoes. Anytime I try to put another pair on her, she refuses to walk and sits down crying as she tries to get the offending shoes off her feet. It kind of reminds me of a cat with shoes on its feet. 

This was Ana's ride to school today. She won a coloring contest held by the fire department. They picked up a kid at their own home from each grade and took them on a tour around town before putting on sirens and lights and driving them to school. It was a fun way for Ana to get to school today. 
And now summer vacation has officially started. I hope to post more frequently in the days to come, so stay tuned!


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