
Last week, we made one of the best decisions we've made in a long time. We banished Keilah from our bedroom. With our other kids, they spent the first year or more living in our room until we disassembled the crib and moved it elsewhere (our bedroom doorway is narrower than most, so the crib does not fit through the door and we never feel like taking it apart to move it). This has never been a problem before with having a kid in our room as they have all been such sound sleepers. We  were able to go in and turn on our light, talk in normal voices, move about freely and they wouldn't even stir. I had even vacuumed a few times beside them, changed them into jammies, changed their diapers with little more than a slight opening of the eyes. Not so with Keilah. Aaron and I were prisoners in our own room. She would wake up at the slightest of noises and pop up looking to play with us (at least she was happy about it). She was also waking up numerous times throughout the night needing help finding her pacifier and getting back to sleep. Unlike with my other kids, I hadn't slept through the night since she was born. So last week, we had enough. We set up the pack-n-play in the office and put her in there that night. She woke up only once and slept in until past seven - which is the first time she had ever done that. The following nights since then, she has slept completely through the night and now doesn't wake up until close to 8:00. What a delight! I feel so much more rested than I have in a LONG time. And now, Keilah is turning into that sound sleeper that we've craved. She still naps in her crib in our room during the day so that the office can be free. Yesterday, when I went to wake her up to go somewhere, I turned on the light, got things out of my drawers, rustled around - all things that would have immediately woken her up - and she didn't even move. I had to pick her up to wake her up and even then, it took a little time to get her awake! Yea!

Here's the little muffin at our annual trip to Bloomsbury Farms last week. I was a bad mom that day and realized the moment I went to get her out of the van that I had neglected to bring along her jacket. It was quite chilly and windy out that day. Thankfully, she has a big brother who is impervious to cold. He graciously offered up his sweatshirt and was quite comfortable going around in his t-shirt. We mainly used it as a blanket in her stroller and she was toasty warm all day.
Abby took along one of her best friends with us. It was a fun day and they all had a good time playing together.
David working hard at burying himself in the corn bin. 
And here's yet another picture of David reading to add to my file of him reading in strange positions. 
On other news, cross country season is now over for David. There is sadness all around with goals being set already for next year's season. He's back to growing a half inch each month now, and is getting closer and closer to that 6 foot mark.
Ana started up practice with the school band and had a good time on the first day. She's also having her first girlfriend spend the night tonight. This is kind of a big deal since her very best friend from the time she was two is a boy. There's nothing wrong with that and he is a great friend for her. It's just that she's never had a best girl friend before. This is definitely a good side benefit of her going to public school.
Abby is going to be a bunny for Halloween this year. My neighbor had a bunny costume that she is loaning us. Abby is in bunny heaven. 
Keilah is getting closer to walking every day. She's at the point where she will stand on her own for quite awhile before realizing that she's not holding onto anything and then quickly sitting down. At her doctor check-up, she's +100% for her height on the growth chart, but only 30% for her weight. Though she may not look like it, she surely does love to eat!
Those are all my thoughts for today. Have a great weekend!


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