Happy Birthday Abby!

Almost two weeks ago we celebrated the birth of our used to be youngest Abby. She turned seven. There are so many things I love about this little girl. She is such a goofball and loves to be silly in order to get the rest of the family to laugh. She has several very strong loves and incorporates these loves into as much of her daily life as possible. They are: peanut butter, bunnies, soft and fuzzy things, sparkly things, and pretty dresses. She wears skirts and dresses every single day. The idea of wearing pants without a dress or skirt over top is synonymous with death to her. She is outgoing, friendly, and very cheerful. She hoards her candy and slowly savors it - she still has candy from before Christmas. How does she do that? Her heart is tender and caring and she cries when she feels she has done something wrong to hurt someone. She adores her baby sister and wants to carry her where ever she goes. Big dogs and thunderstorms frighten her. So do most movies, therefore she doesn't see much beyond Netflix episodes of My Little Pony (even those have some scary parts to them). She has brought so much joy and love and snuggles into our lives. I'm thankful that God has blessed us with this amazing little seven year old!

Here she is on her actual birthday. She invited one of her best friends from school over to help her celebrate. She chose to make ice cream sundaes for her party. I didn't have to attempt to make a nice cake! Yea!
Blowing out seven candles!
A couple of nights ago, she came down to use the potty around 11:00PM. I was still up and after a few moments realized that she hadn't come out of the bathroom after hearing the toilet flush and I didn't hear her moving around. I went in to check on her and found her fast asleep on the floor of the bathroom. So cute!
I found this picture on the camera, taken by Abby. She apparently drew a bouncing bunny out on the drive and wanted to remember it. If you want to make her happy, give her anything bunny related. She wants a real bunny someday. I'm not so sure about that yet.


  1. Nice to see some pictures from the party of this special little granddaughter. Now I know what I can get her for Christmas...a male and female bunny and then she will have lots of things (bunnies) to make her happy. Maybe her mother would just be happy if I bought her sparkly dresses instead !!!!! :)

  2. I was just thinking the same thing...and what if we'd each get her a pair of bunnies?!!! Guess we'll have to find alternatives, like sparkly dresses and shoes, if we want to remain in good standing with her parents:)

    I love Abby's sparkly eyes; she's a real sweetie! GrammaK


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