
I'm now 2 weeks until my due date. We've entered the waiting game. This is usually the hardest part for me. Even though I have never ever gone into labor before my due date (always right on my due date), I keep hoping that this time it will happen.  I'm getting increasingly larger and more uncomfortable and lots slower on my everyday tasks.  I've had several nights and days of regular contractions where I start to think "maybe this is it!" but it always stops after awhile.  It's so hard to be patient. I'm working hard on telling myself that I will be going the full 40 weeks and will have a December baby so I can stop being so extremely disappointed when my false contractions go away.  I did have a few hard emotional days last week where keeping life in perspective got a little too hard. Nothing that a few good cry sessions couldn't help.

But I had a lovely weekend with Aaron this past weekend.  We went away to a marriage conference.  We stayed two nights in a hotel room.  We didn't have kids with us (except this little one I can't put down).  It was glorious.  We stayed up late, ate out, talked about whatever was on our minds (I'm having a hard time thinking about anything but baby these days), and just relaxed.  We even went swimming one night.  It felt so lovely to feel weightless for awhile.  That time away definitely helped me cope with some disappointment as I was having some major signs of labor the night before we went away and was almost sure it was the real thing for a few hours.

Yesterday, I went swimming again with another pregnant friend - she's about 6 weeks behind me.  It was so nice to be with someone who's in the same boat as me and doesn't tire of talking all things baby.  We very much enjoyed the feeling of not feeling pregnant while in the water.  It was so hard to walk out of that water and come back to the heavy reality of end of pregnancy waddling.  We are hoping to get back there early next week as well to have a few more hours of physical bliss. 

Today, my dear mother in law is here helping me with some cleaning chores that I wanted to get done but was resigning myself to not getting done before baby.  It feels good to cross those things off my list as well!  What a blessing today is turning out to be! I am looking for the good things in each day and trying hard to not dwell on the physical hardships of the last few weeks of pregnancy.  Some days/moments I do better than others.  But I know this is all going to be so worth it when we get to meet our little one on the outside so very soon!

So being that Thanksgiving is just around the corner, tell me some good things about your life to help me continue to seek out the positive things these days!


  1. I am thankful that your baby has stayed inside where she belongs. I am thankful for two healthy boys who love to do "shows" for us. Tristan is the director and bosses his brother (and the audience) around. Seth usually just stands there sucking his thumb and chiming in a little too late.

    I'm really thankful for the person(s) who invented ham. It is delicious any time of year. I'm also thankful for the person who invented pre-made pie crusts since I hate making them (I can never get the edges crimped in a pretty way).

    I'm thankful for days off work to rest, walk in the woods, read, play games, laugh, and feel like I belong.

    And finally, I'm thankful that our beta fish has lived as long as he has. I love him. I do!

  2. I am thankful for you Melissa...ONE of the best daughters in the world. I am also thankful for your sister and brother. Nobody has been blessed with three more wonderful children. I am thankful for soon to be 12 grandchildren (as your father likes to say...they are all boys except for the 11 girls !!) I am thankful for your lovely mother-in-law who fills in where your mom is not able to. I am thankful for a great husband..who rivals your great husband. Should I go on? Anyway ..even though we all have our troubles...we have a lot to be thankful for.

  3. I'm thankful for days off work soon. For slippery babies in the bathtub. For starting to pull out Christmas decorations. For warmer than usual days. For cavity-free visits to the dentist. For popcorn. For very-pregnant friends I love named Melissa.

  4. A good thing about my life is that I have a precious, funny, entertaining, smart, beautiful family whom I love dearly. On a completely different note, I've been thankful lately for the rich variety of foods and ethnic cuisine we have available. We can travel around the world in 80 recipes instead of 80days! And most of all, the love of the Holy One is very good. - MomK


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