Through the Eyes of a Five Year Old

Abby asked if she could take my camera a few days ago and take some pictures.  I decided it would be interesting to see what she took pictures of, so I said sure.  I had fun going through all her pictures the next day.  So here is a small snapshot of life through the eyes of a five year old.

This is Emerald, the favorite tiny doll that the girls love to play with.
A doll house decorated with an old medal
Abby wanted to take a picture of me.  I had to squat down because she couldn't figure out how to find me when I was standing up.  Ana jumped in the picture at the last minute.
We were then instructed to make grumpy faces.
Followed by goofy faces.
She then needed a goofy face from Daddy.  I had to help her find him in the viewfinder. 
She then decided it would be really funny to take pictures of everyone's butts while they were unaware of what she was doing.  Sometimes she acts way more like a middle school boy than my real middle school boy.  I only included one butt picture, but let me assure you, many of them were taken.  I'm also not including the super close-up shots of noses, eyeballs, and open mouths.
Next up, lego pictures.  A very important part of every child's life.
Followed up with a picture taken by Ana of the main picture taker with her long tongue.  She is such a goofball head.  I can't imagine our lives without her!


  1. Very cute....glad I was not there for the "butt" pictures...she would have needed a wide lense !!!!!


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