Christmas Break In Pictures

School starts back up on Monday and we've had a great time enjoying ourselves over Christmas break. Below is a smattering of things we have done and enjoyed. 
Here is a picture of a rare truce between Bob and Keilah. I had to document it.
Truce is over. 
Ana had her friend over one afternoon and they had great fun putting on "make-up" and doing their hair. I love those goofballs. 
I finally took David up to get his permit - he turned 14 back in August. We went to the high school parking lot for his first driving lesson. 
I enjoy screaming in terror when he gets behind the wheel. He did pretty good for driving lesson one.  
Our annual graham cracker house making day. 
Keilah decided it was more fun to eat the house than build the house. 
The kids at church put on a Christmas play. They did a great job with their various roles. Ana was a news anchor and was excited to put on real make-up (she threatened to do her own in the fashion that she and her friend do above) and wear business women clothing. This picture doesn't do her justice. She looked quite grown up.
Abby was the arts and entertainment director in the play and led the band and choir. She did a great job too! She also got to wear real make-up for the play. 
David was also a news anchor. He borrowed a suit coat from Aaron and we tried hard to slick his hair back, but it insisted on coming back forward. Silly cowlicks. He looked about five years older all dressed up like that. It was a really fun play to watch and I was so proud of all the kids who were in it. 
This is a picture of the stockings my fantastic neighbor gave us a few years ago. They belonged to her family, but they no longer used them, so she put our names on them and gave them to us. They are all hand cross-stitched. Beautiful! But then we had to go and have another baby and we were one stocking short. I told her that Keilah could have  mine since as the principle stocking filler, my stocking goes largely unused. But she would hear none of that.
She came by a week before Christmas to give this to Keilah. She had been working on it for close to a year. It's just gorgeous and I'm in awe of her skills and talents (and perseverance) to cross-stitch this. We will enjoy it for all our years to come! 
Yes, I wrap presents like a little kid.  
David and Keilah are the same when it comes to cameras. It's hard to get a picture of them looking at the camera normally. On a happy note, his braces come off next month and then we'll be able to look into getting a front tooth for him. Yea! 
Here's an almost normal picture of them together. 
I guess I might as well throw Abby in the mix with bizarre facial expressions. We went to a camp in Michigan for Christmas with Aaron's side of the family. We had a lot of fun. That's Grandma Kay peeking in the background. 
Aaron and Ana were sneaking candy together during Christmas present opening time. 
Aaron and his siblings being goof heads. 
Grandpa Tom and Grandma Kay with their 10 grandkids. 
We had Christmas with my side of the family on the Saturday after Christmas when we got home. Keilah by that time had learned that present opening was fun so she didn't wait for the okay and ripped open her present the moment it was placed in front of her. 
Her cousin Lila supplies her with funny headbands. 
Grandpa Keith and Grandma Cindy's grandkids - 12 in all with David being the only boy. 
Sometimes the present packaging is more fun to play with than the present itself. 
Keilah found an ink pad that the girls left out. Now I know what she looks like with a 5 o'clock shadow. 
Sporting her Bono glasses. 
And now a mustache. I love this age! 
That's all for now! I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas as well!


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