Getting into the Swing of Things

The kids have all completed six days of school. We are beginning to form a routine of sorts now as we work out all the kinks to our school days. So far I am greatly enjoying this year as it has brought a new stage of freedom to me. More about that in a bit. First a picture of Keilah and Bob playing together. They both seem to like each other a lot and enjoy playing together. Occasionally Bob's play is a little rough with Keilah. Occasionally Keilah's play is a little rough with Bob. I guess it all evens out.
David's head has been swallowed by a kitten. 
This year David is taking a few online classes - things I don't want to teach (calculus and Spanish). It's great because he is getting some great education that I don't have to prepare! He also has an excellent study buddy in the mornings. He calls out to Keilah, "It's time to learn calculus" and she comes running to sit on his lap and watch the videos with him. 
She always has a very serious and intense look on her face as she studies with David. After about 10 minutes, she has had enough and gets down to finish playing with whatever it was she was doing before math time. 
Part way through the morning, I drop David off at the high school for some other classes there. He is currently taking an art class and band. He takes a lunch along since his classes sandwich lunch time (what a great pun!). So I end up having around three hours at home with only Keilah to keep me company. Part of the time she takes her nap and so it's just me entertaining myself. I am really enjoying that time. I've been working on a few projects that I never make time for, or just relaxing and doing something for fun like playing the piano. I also try to get supper plans firmed up and started since I am volunteering my time with the middle school cross country team this fall and that takes up my late afternoon until supper time. So far it's been a lot of fun and I am enjoying all aspects of my days. The other two girls are both doing well and adjusting to their new classes and teachers. Their main complaint is that the days feel so long after enjoying the freedom of summer. I imagine the days will move along faster for them as they continue to acclimate themselves to their new routine. 

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this school year develops as I have some built in quiet time in my schedule. I hope to use the time wisely (most days - some days you just need to have a do nothing time) and pursue the things I'm passionate about instead of just filling it with more stuff.


  1. Good for you! It is too easy to use that time for housework when your spirit needs replenished after all the time given to the family! Recreation is re-creation.

  2. Sounds like a good start to a new school year! - Kay


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