My New Life

I have a job now. It started on Monday. I'm a middle school girls track coach! I applied for the job on a complete whim and forgot to realize that there wouldn't be an overwhelming number of people jumping to get that job. A few hours after applying I found myself with the title of "Track Coach". Though I love running and am passionate about it, I have never coached it before in my life. Thankfully, I accepted the job on the condition that my old high school cross country coach also be a coach. He's amazing and was a super influential person in my life. His knowledge of all things running is vast. So though technically I'm the head 7th grade girls coach and he's the head 8th grade girls coach, I'm more of his assistant and help keep him organized and running smoothly while being a female coach in the midst of a sea of girls. So it's been going well and I'm having fun and hopefully I'll learn to be a good coach. With Aaron also coaching the high school boys track team, and David out for middle school boys track, it makes for a busy spring. I'm cooking most of our meals on the weekend since we don't get home until close to 6:00 with our hungry hoard, the sooner supper gets on the table the better! The older two girls usually come with me to practices. I stocked the van with a "Box of Snacks" for them to nibble on throughout the evening practices. Keilah goes to my mom-in-law's house one day a week and then I found a wonderful small daycare that will take her for those couple hours on the other days while I'm gone. She's still getting used to the idea of daycare, but yesterday went pretty good I'm told. It helps that they go on Wednesdays to the local nursing home and eat ice cream with the residents there. Ice cream makes everything better. And before you die from word overload, here are some pictures of the little cutie pie to cheer your day.
Abby dressed her in her jacket and Keilah was quite pleased to walk around the house in Abby's jacket. She got angry when I finally took it off of her. 
She loves watching out the windows now when anyone leaves the house. She stands there and waves and smiles as you go. I think this day Aaron and the kids were outside doing some spring clean-up in the yard, so she was quite happy to spend a lot of time watching everyone outside. 
Just my little cutie. 
And a picture I found on the camera taken by David. Apparently when 87% of your thoughts revolve around food, it's important to take pictures of the sandwich you made for yourself to eat. 


  1. Cute photos of the little tot! And as for David's photo of his sandwich, well, in a few years 87% of his thoughts may be revolving around girls, so enjoy the food photos while they last! Love you - momKay


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