Six Months Old!

Last week, Keilah turned six months old. It's hard to believe that a half year has flown by already. While is was a big adjustment to go back to babyhood again, I'm so grateful to have this little girl in our family. She blesses us tremendously. Here she is asleep in bed with her beloved dog. The moment I put her in bed, she's grabbing for dog and pulls him in close for a good dose of loving.
Dog is starting to get smelly because she likes to chew on him as she drifts off to sleep. I haven't washed him yet since I'll be sad to see his soft fluffiness go away. However, his ears are no longer soft and fluffy as those are the favorite things to eat. They are now crispy with dried slobber. Maybe I'll go and wash him now. Shudder.
Anything close to Keilah is now fodder for her mouth. If she can reach it, she will grab it. Here she is trying to grab the lens cap from the camera.
She rivals David in her extreme happiness. He was the most obnoxiously happy baby I've ever seen. Keilah is a close second.
You can see her two little teeth here!
While she hasn't learned to crawl, she is learning to get to where she wants. Picture an inch worm crawling mixed in with clockwise rotations and that is how she moves.
Her largest motivating force is trying to get the remote. We strategically place them just out of reach so she can scootch her little self over there.
The crawling process.

Sweet success!
Here's a video of her getting around now.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. She is ridiculously adorable!! Those eyes and her smile is just so cute and contagious!!


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