Double Digits!

Last week, Ana was so excited to finally turn double digits on her birthday. She kept commenting on how being 10 felt so old. She went to camp on her actual birthday, so we celebrated it a week late. She invited her best friend TJ over along with another boy from her class (yes, she's a tomboy). She wanted to make piranha cookies instead of a cake. Since Ana rhymes with piranha, she likes to call herself Ana the piranha and then threaten to eat everyone. Here's her big piranha cookie unfrosted.
She then made little circle cookies, cut a triangle out for the mouth and stuck it on the back for a fin, so she could have smaller piranha cookies to share.
The frosted and decorated version.
Baby piranhas.
Here we are singing to her.
Blowing out 10 candles.
A hot sauce packet eating contest with her best buddy.
It seems so hard to believe that my first little girl is 10 years old! I fall more and more in love with this girl every day. She is so very athletic - last night at her softball game, she made a diving catch of a pop fly and then quickly got up to tag out a runner at third - a double play all by herself! She climbs trees higher than I care to watch, and climbs and leaps from things that makes a mother's heart flutter. She's very creative. She loves making tiny crafts and projects - sewing a 1" x 2" quilt (I think it had 12 blocks to it) for her favorite tiny doll, making adorable dolls out of flower petals, leaves and any other nature things, crafting tiny things out of whatever she has at hand. She adores all fruits and vegetables and would eat only that if I would let her. She's introverted and gets her best ideas when she has had time to be alone. She cares deeply for her family - doing everything she can to comfort a sad sibling. Her feelings are intense, but she sometimes needs help learning how to express them. She's generous and loves to give gifts to those around her. She loves spending quality time with people. She delights my heart and I love watching her grow older each day, though it also seems a little bittersweet too that my little girl isn't so little anymore.
My dear Ariana, I love you more than these words can adequately express!


  1. Wow I cant believe she is ten! Time goes too fast!

    Mindy :)

  2. What a loving tribute to Ariana! She's a gem. I love the piranha cookies - they look so fun. Thanks to you and Aaron for giving us our first grand-daughter 10 years ago. I love her dearly! ~ GrammaKay

    PS - There were complications with my order for Ariana's birthday gift ~ :( ~ so it is still en route. Will let her know when it arrives.

  3. How clever Ana is. Those cookies are so so clever. And how, as you so wonderfully describe her, she sounds just like her little girl ! So very alike. And how she is as generous and loving as you are even today. Grandma Cindy
    P.S. Now you realize how I felt when you climbed trees so very high and leaped from things and were a little tomboy!

  4. I completely agree with your mom. I was JUST thinking how your description of Ana reminds me so much of you. Your tribute to her is lovely and sweet and you're obviously very proud of this wonderful little girl. Happy Birthday (late) to Ana!


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