So Sore

My running beast of a son has been kicking my butt lately. If you've noticed I haven't talked about running lately, it would be because I haven't been running. This past week I decided enough was enough and it was time to get back into it.  Unfortunately, taking 10 months off from running to have a baby and recover makes it hard to get back into it. This week, I have been running one mile with David. I made him promise to be nice to me and not belittle my slow pace. He has been quite sweet and supportive of me as he trots happily beside me. Once I gasp out my mile, he scampers off and runs another 5-7 more miles after that. My body protested the sudden change of pace and this past week my legs have been so sore. I've missed feeling sore, but I surely do not enjoy the process of getting back into shape. It's much harder to do when you are 34. Oh for the days when I was 16 and it took only a week of soreness to be back in shape again. But I'm happy to be exercising a little more vigorously again. Maybe this next week I'll throw in a two mile run! And I made sure to properly refuel from my long runs with these peppermint meltaways from our cookbook challenge. :)
Ana felt tired today, so she took a little tiny rest with Keilah on the couch. I love my girlies.
Aaron's mom crocheted this hat for Ana and it rarely leaves her head. She wears it indoors pretty much nonstop. It's awfully cute on her. She also wears this fuzzy striped jacket almost every day too. I sometimes wonder if the kids and grownups at school think she does not own any other clothes. I guess the pants and t-shirt underneath the jacket get changed everyday. Sometimes I make her not wear the jacket to school. Ana is never happy about it. I tell her that I need to wash it. According to Ana, this is the best $1 garage sale find ever.
We've been enjoying a fair amount of snow the past few weeks. Ana made me a snow heart and brought it inside to show me. It was quite cute. Last night, Ana wrote me a little note asking if we could spend some special time together today. I was more than happy to oblige that request. We went on a walk together and spent time talking about whatever was on her mind. Then ended our walk with an ice cream stop. I love that girl of mine!
How about you? What are some things you always enjoyed doing with your mom?  - I always liked watching my mom do her paintings (as long as I didn't shake the table. Right, Mom?)


  1. Seems you have a good memory. Now sometimes I wish I had little ones around to shake the table when I paint ! Love you.


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