Keilah's First Post

Hi everyone! It's me, Keilah. Mom thought it would be nice if I would post on here every once in awhile to give her a break from writing. I would have written sooner, but I got sick and had to get better first. I'm currently on some steroids to help with that. Dad keeps trying to talk Mom into getting me a set of dumbbells since he says this is a time I can legally bulk up. Mom doesn't seem too keen on the idea.
I turned two months old a bit over a week ago. I like being here in my new life. I thought it would be fun to tell you a little bit about what I like doing. 
I like to smile at people. I also like to eat. I tried rolling over from my tummy to my back one time. It scared me and I cried. I decided to not do that again. I really like sleeping. I've overheard Mom say how much I spoil her when I go to bed at 9PM and don't wake up until 6AM. News flash, Mom: this has nothing to do with spoiling you. I sleep that long because I like it. If I want to see you at 3AM, I will. I guess I am nice about waking her up when I get lonely in the night. I don't cry. I just quietly snuffle in my crib. Most of the time that will do the trick to get her to visit me. But sometimes Mom takes way too long to get to me, so I have to let out one little yelp to let her know that I'm waiting for her. I don't usually have to do it more than once. Since I only snuffle when I'm awake in my bed, Mom and Dad have taken to calling me Snuffles or Snufflecakes. It's sort of cute, for now.

I really prefer to fall asleep in Mom's arms. It's the best ever. But lately she's been having this bad habit of putting me down in my crib just as I'm getting all drowsy and comfy. This often makes me angry. But just as I start getting grumpy about the whole situation, my friend Dog appears in front of me and I suddenly feel much better. Dog doesn't leave me alone like Mom does. I have a feeling we're going to be great friends.

When I get my diaper changed, we go and see the baby. She's always there with me getting her diaper changed too. Mom says she's stalking us. I don't know about that. She always smiles back at me when I smile at her, so she seems pretty nice. She has a mom just like mine. I smile at her mom too sometimes.
I'm beginning to realize that I have these long things attached to my body near my neck and near my diaper and if I wave them around, they move. It's kind of weird. I haven't figured out what they're good for yet, but I see Mom and Dad using them a lot. I've also noticed that everyone else in my house is able to self-carry. I still have to wait around for someone to pick me up and carry me to where I would like to go. I don't know how they self-carry, but it looks like a lot of fun.

That's about all I'm up to these days. I'm feeling pretty tired right now so I think I may see if someone will carry me to my bed so I can have a good snuggle with Dog. His fur is so soft. I haven't even thrown up on him yet. I'm waiting to see if he's committed to our relationship first before I test his love.

I hope you all have a good weekend! Leave me a comment telling me what you are up to.


  1. So so cute. I knew that Keilah was a smart one!

  2. VERY clever! Glad she is feeling better and so chatty! GrammaK

  3. Dear Keilah,
    You didn't say much about your dad. He sounds very intriguing, sort of mysterious yet smart and powerful. Could you tell us more about him instead of just talking about your mom all the time? That would be more interesting, I think.

  4. I think that this post is completely wonderful- and Keilah, you sound like a very sweet baby and I would like to hold you. I love kissing babies. :) My baby is 20 months old and is talking so much. She doesn't like to use the potty though and that makes me sad. She likes to hide and pee and poop in her diaper and then come tell me. She told me "no like the potty mommy." :(
    Keep writing us notes Keilah because we love to read about you and your family.
    Love Cherri

  5. "I'm waiting to see if he's committed to our relationship first before I test his love."
    ROFL! I love this idea. I think I'll have to get my little one posting so I can have a break occasionally too.
    Welcome to the world, Keilah! You are too sweet!
    Mine was an immediate all-night sleeper too, so we are both spoiled. :)


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