End of the season

This year I planted some fall lettuce again.  It took awhile for it to grow because I forgot to water it and we had a very dry end of the summer.  But it eventually rained a few times and my lettuce grew!  I love having fresh lettuce from the garden.  Unfortunately, I didn't plant enough of it.  I am sad about that.  I may get one more cutting from it, but it is mostly done for the year.
I am happy to report that my tomatoes are done.  I probably could have gotten a few more, but I have a small pile to still work with and have canned all I am able to can.  I don't know where my final count is for what I canned with tomato products this year.  I wish I could find it.  Perhaps if I clean off my desk I will.  All I know is that I reached my goal of having enough tomatoes.  I haven't had enough in the past few years since my tomato plants all died after the first round of production.  Not this year.  Plus I planted about three times as many tomato plants as usual to make sure I would have enough.  I have used every canning jar I own and still have about 4 gallons of chunks and juice in my freezer waiting for some jars to become available so I can can them.  All I know is that I have used 188 jar lids this year for my various canning endeavors.  My shelves are full. 
And finally a picture of the cute little catapult the kids made last week.  I found some plans for a popsicle stick catapult and they happily spent Wednesday morning constructing it while I read our book to them.  I have been reading novels to them this year, usually during lunch or during a time when their hands are busy, but they are quiet (art class is a good time once they get their instructions).  Our current book is the Mysterious Benedict Society.  It's a very fun read for all.


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