
I planted a peach tree a couple of years ago and this year we have peaches! It is quite exciting to me. This helps make a tiny dent into our summer peach consumption. I think the five of us consumed at least three half bushel boxes in two months. We had our first taste of our own peaches at lunchtime. Yum!
Unfortunately, I see that squirrels like them too as I saw one run away with a peach as I came out to pick them. I also have some sort of weird thing going on with some of them too.  Almost like a fungus/mold - doesn't look like bugs are causing some of them to go prematurely bad.  Anyone out there with peach experience?  Part of it could be the extremes in weather we have been having.  Super wet, to super dry, to super hot. 

I planted some apple trees at the same time as my peach tree.  Unfortunately, I will only have one apple off those two trees this year.  The last year that I had one apple, I picked it prematurely.  I was sad.  This year I will wait! 

What's your favorite fruit from a tree?  I can't decide between apples, peaches and pears.  I love them all!


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