Getting Ready for Go Time

I have just over a week until track practice starts. I am winding down with my intense preparation period. My freezer is getting full of suppers to grab on busy nights. Cookies are piling up in the freezer as well in preparation for David's upcoming senior music recital. Lists have been made organizing the various parts of my upcoming busy season. I have this next week to finish up all my prep work and then the fun begins! I am doing all this so that I can relax and fully enjoy this busy season and not feel so overwhelmed with life. All this prep work goes against my laid back take-each-day-as-it-comes lifestyle, but I know it will help me greatly over the next two months and I'll be grateful that I took the time before to do this.
Homemade granola bars sitting in the freezer to grab for meets
I made a pile of breakfast burritos for a quick breakfast or snack. We are already working through them, so I made another two dozen last night to resupply. I guess they are a hit. 
The girls decided to clean out the bottom shelf of the game cupboard the other day. I found pictures of them each posing inside the cupboard. Here is Ana. 
Scarlet. There's a lot more room in here when she's in the cupboard. 
I feel like I do a ton of laundry each week. I had the realization that next year, I won't have so much. David generates a lot of laundry with his running and working out - sometimes going through several changes of clothes each day. So I guess that is one small benefit of having a child go off to college. My laundry mountain will maybe turn into a foothill instead. 
Scarlet wanted us to take a picture together. Here we are! 
I find all sorts of interesting pictures on our ipad. Abby was having fun turning Scarlet into various things.  
Now she's a cat. 
And finally, here's a small snippet of Ana's 5 second claim to fame. Her girls cross country team was honored in the annual Parade of Champions at the girls state basketball championship game. They have all state champions in all the sports from that year come out to be honored for their excellence. Since Ana's team won the 2A cross country championship this fall, they got to go and be part of the festivities. We watched from home. You can hear Scarlet's excited exclamations when she sees Ana on TV, followed by Pepper (what she calls Aaron).
I don't know if this will work, but you can see some fun jazz band music featuring my favorite son playing the flugelhorn at their most recent concert. They are an awesome group of kids. I hope the link works here.

That's all for now! Share something with me about what you've been up to this past week. What are you looking forward to in the next week as well?


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