Holidays, Birthdays, and A Battered Tree
Abby dressed Keilah up in one of her own dresses the other day. It was cute and Keilah liked wearing Abby's clothes. Let's hope Abby continues to think it's cute and funny when Keilah discovers that she can put Abby's clothes on all by herself. All day long.
Keilah is in love with our broom and if it is ever left out and unattended for more than three seconds, she claims it as hers and insists on sweeping, which is mainly pushing the broom back and forth and waving it around dangerously. David was in charge of sweeping the floors one night and Keilah got to the broom first and would not let go. David solved his problem by using Keilah as the extension of the broom and working with her to sweep. Not much got done but they both had a fun time.
I got all crafty for my high school seminar kids that Aaron and I are "parents" for and made them turkeys before their Thanksgiving break. No, I did not come up with this idea by myself. That is what the internet is for.
We are attempting to get Keilah excited about using her potty. She refused to go near it for about two months. Now, she will sit on it fully clothed when we use the bathroom. I came into the bathroom the other day and discovered that Dog is doing well at using the potty. Maybe someday those lessons will translate to Keilah. For now I will be happy that one of them is learning.
Keilah got to experience playing in the snow for the first time. She seemed to like it, but spent much time saying "Whoopsie" every time she noticed snow on her boots.
Keilah turned two on the 29th. I'm one of the world's worst cake decorators (with the exception of Keilah's dog cake I made last year, which she hated, but was so cute. I'm very proud of that cake). Anyway, I had no idea what to do for her cake until I remembered a few weeks before that, Keilah wanted cake for supper. We were having chicken, so I told her we were eating chicken cake. She was delighted by that and gobbled down her chicken cake that night (a big deal for her to eat meat!). So I decided in honor of her eating her chicken cake for supper, I would make her a chicken cake for her birthday. Here it is. It greatly amused me. At first Keilah wasn't so sure about it, but she came around and decided that she liked her chicken cake quite a lot.
Opening her present turned into a very long drawn out affair as she would rip off a tiny piece of wrapping paper and declare either, "Uh-oh" or "Whoopsie"
Once she finally got it unwrapped, play time began. Even David enjoyed the present!
Then it was time to eat the chicken cake! See below for video of her trying to blow out her two candles.
Our Christmas tree is up already, which is good for me. It has lights on it, but may not get many ornaments this year due to a certain two year old and a certain cat. Neither one of them can be trusted with the tree. Bob likes to climb up in the tree and knock off ornaments. Keilah spends much time yelling things like, "NO BOB!" "DOWN, OFF THE TREE!" "BE CAREFUL!" "BAD BOB, UP HIGH!" "NO DO THAT!" To help communicate her displeasure with Bob in the tree she runs over and shakes the branches and tries to knock him off. If this poor tree survives this year, I'll be surprised.
And here's Keilah's birthday chicken cake video as promised.
Enjoy your weekend!
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