Growing Up

Next week, Keilah will turn 15 months. How is that possible?!? She is in full stride of my very favorite little kid stage. I love the language acquisition stage where every thing you do is imitated by them. Keilah continues to delight us to no end. Here's a little peek into her life these days. Dog remains #1 in her heart. We have tried to integrate other stuffed dogs into her life to no avail. That all changed when we introduced Ana's Dog to her. 
 Ana's Dog is similar in color and is the only other animal that has successfully passed the ear flip test. Now we have a successful back up friend when Real Dog has to take his weekly bath. Some friends of ours have a little girl who calls Keilah "That Girl With The Dog." Yes, an accurate description since he rarely leaves her sight.
Keilah is picking up new words all the time now and repeating just about everything we say. She has a good two dozen words or more now. My favorite is how she asks for food. She stands at the kitchen counter and blows out "Ffff. Ffff. Ffff." Because everyone knows that when you get food you have to blow on it first because it's hot. Ffff. Ffff. Ffff. It makes me laugh every time. I'm also hopeful that she will be easy to potty train because she tells me in a very concerned voice "Pooo" as she's going poop. Let's hope I have an easy kid to potty train this time around! Another favorite is saying the "ps" sound for "grapes". Of course with having older siblings around, she quickly picked up the word "mine" - usually she only says it when she's clutching her diapers to her chest or any bit of laundry.
I think I may need to trim up her little mullet soon.  
Notice the canned goods in the background. It's a favorite activity of hers. 
She's very snuggly and loves to be held or just touched. When I'm doing dishes or working in the kitchen, she'll come with a toy or book and sit beside me or if she's needing to feel physical touch, will sit against my legs while I work. It's quite precious. She also adores her daddy. This is the first time that we've had a kid this attached to Daddy. Aaron is loving it. She loves to climb up on his lap and just sit there with him.  
Favorite toys that continually get taken away from her are all pens and pencils, remotes, phones, wipes, the computer mouse, and paperback books. 
She loves to feed people. If you are hungry, sit next to her on popcorn night. She will continually stuff popcorn into your mouth as fast as her little hands will move. Each time you eat a kernel of popcorn, it will make her giggle with glee.
Keilah is also the pickiest eater we've ever had as well. My other kids ate anything I put in front of them. Not Miss Keilah. She will only eat fruits and vegetables and some grains. Milk is the acceptable dairy product. Meat is completely out - even if it's hidden among the vegetables, she will find it and sift it out and leave it on her high chair. I think most of it has to do with texture. Ice cream and cookies are highly desired food substances and nothing else matters in life when those two things are around and are not being fed to her fast enough. I guess she is my daughter. :)
Every once in awhile, Aaron and I look at each other and comment about how grateful we are to have this little unit in our lives. We are loving it!
Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. She is precious indeed! I've not seen her for a while (2 weeks?) and sounds like she's changed a bunch in that time! Thanks for the news - GrammaKay

  2. Precious! Thanks for the pix and update!


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