Two Big Changes

So I knew I hadn't posted in awhile, but didn't realize it's been over a month.  Whoops!  I guess time got away from me yet again.  So in the last month or so, two big changes have occurred that I need to tell you about.

Change #1 - We have decided to send the girls to public school next year.  To help them transition into that idea, they will be finishing out this school year with their classes starting next Wednesday, May 9th.  I think in my last post, I had written that we were considering this option.  I've really struggled a lot this past year with having all three in school and trying to teach them with quality while still trying to get all my other things done that I am responsible for.  I felt like I was too stretched to be able to do a good job with anything going on in my life.  While in a perfect world, I think I would continue to homeschool my kids, it's just not possible right now.  There are too many things going on and I need a break from the day to day teaching aspect.  We are only committing to one year of public school and then we will re-evaluate.  The girls are a bit nervous about starting school next week, but also pretty excited.  We went school shopping today to get the few things they'll need to finish out the year.  I'm really looking forward to this time.  I hope to spend some time looking at how I do life and how I'd prefer to do life and make the changes necessary to see that happen.  I'm sure I'll be writing more about that in the future.  As of now, David will continue to homeschool - he is older and more independent and really didn't feel like public school was a good fit for him at this point in his life.  Another big reason with why we are doing public school for the girls has to do with Big Change #2.

Change #2 - I'm pregnant!  Yes, really.  I still am having a hard time believing it's true at times.  People keep asking us if this was a planned pregnancy or a surprise since Abby will be about 6 1/2 when this baby is born.  I tell them yes and no.  We had tossed about the idea of kid #4 for about four years - but usually only one of us was serious about the idea at a time.  Well, we happened to overlap in our desire for another kid for about 3 days, and well...  I guess that's all we needed.  So we're extremely happy about it, somewhat freaked out (at least I am), but we know we will never regret having another kid in our family.  Once we found out we were pregnant, that really solidified our decision to have the girls do public school.  The thought of teaching three at home with a newborn makes me want to curl up into a ball and never poke my head out from under the covers.  This new option helps me feel way more excited about a baby - it's almost like having a first born all over again.  Thankfully I have friends who will loan me baby clothes, maternity clothes and other baby gear that I have given away over the years.  So I feel well blessed and taken care of in that realm.  I am currently 9 weeks along, full of nausea and fatigue, but I keep telling myself it's all for a good cause.  We had an ultrasound last week and got to see the baby and see the heartbeat (which makes me breathe a little easier). 

Those are my two big changes.  I'm sure I'll write more about pregnancy stuff now and my new life as a mom of kids in public school.  Everything feels so new to me!  But I like adventures, so I'll like the one I'm on. Keep reading and join in my adventure with me!


  1. Wow! Exciting things ahead for all of you! Many blessings!

  2. Hadn't looked at your blog for awhile but this was a particularly interesting time to check, lots of change and excitement! Congratulations!

  3. You know how I feel about your news....12th grandchild...YIPPEE ! And I thought getting a new ipod for me was exciting !!!!! HA !

  4. Yessssss!! Although sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. MISS YOU!

  5. Whoo HoO!!Let the Deed Shaw!!!

  6. I just love the fact that you are prego and can totally see you with this little bundle already. Its going to go smoother than what you think. They kids will help you! And it will be good for them to share in the responsibility and fun of a new sibling. Abby and Becca love their little baby sister and have been asking me when we'll have another one!! So happy for you. I'm curious to see how the girls do in public school. It will be fine....and I'm thinking it will be just as good for them as it will be for you. :)

  7. Wow, so excited for you!!! Hope everything goes well with you and your family!!!

  8. Wow, so excited for you!!! Hope everything goes well with you and your family!!!

  9. Really good to hear your thoughts about this. 3 days eh! :)


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