Abby hit a big milestone yesterday in her five little years of life - her first time of loosing a tooth! She was pretty nervous about the event, afraid it would hurt, afraid it would bleed (all of my kids are pretty wimpy when it comes to the sight of blood). Here she is with her very loose, hanging by a thread tooth. Another tooth shot. She wouldn't let me touch it. Unfortunately, I was gone when it finally came out - she was over at a friend's house. But she was super excited to show her new gap to me. Thankfully the tooth fairy remembered to show up last night while she was sleeping. It would be bad of her to miss her very first appointment with Abby. I'm curious - do any of you remember losing your first tooth? Or any tooth for that matter? Any fun tooth losing stories? I really don't remember losing any of my teeth. I do remember hoping I would lose one at school because the teacher had these cool little certificate she would g...