
Showing posts from January, 2015

New Schedule Mingled with Cuteness and Perspective

First of all, I'd like to say that I finally figured out how to get a subscribe by email thingamajig on this here blog. Look over to your right and feel free to subscribe if you'd like to be notified of my infrequent postings. I'm planning on not posting these on facebook anymore, so if you really want to read it, you'll either need to check the site here or subscribe. We're settling into our new daily schedule after the first week of the new year being messed up by snow days. We have awesome neighbors here and one of them owns a snowblower that he loves to use. So when we get any substantial snow, he goes out and clears the sidewalks up and down the block. Keilah was frightened by the noise, but thankfully she has a big sister to run to for protection when she gets scared. This is what my mornings often look like  Abby and I decided to make cookies together one day. She wanted to make a huge flower, so I let her design, cut, and decorate her own huge c...

Do Over

I needed a do-over today. Today is the first day back to school following a fun Christmas break. Today is also the first day of Ana's new year of homeschooling. We (Ana and I) have been mulling over this decision for quite some time together and after much thought, conversations, and prayer, we decided to go for it at the beginning of 2015. She's excited about it and I am too. Last night, as I was getting things ready and organized for the week ahead, I had a lovely morning all planned out for us today. I would wake up a little earlier than the kids and actually make them breakfast for their school day. I would get Abby up and we would spend a little bit of time together before sending her happily off to school for the day. I would work on Biology with David while Ana quietly did her first day's work and Keilah happily ate breakfast. Then, I would take David to his class at the high school and come back to spend time with Ana going over math. It was so peaceful and lovely ...

Christmas Break In Pictures

School starts back up on Monday and we've had a great time enjoying ourselves over Christmas break. Below is a smattering of things we have done and enjoyed.  Here is a picture of a rare truce between Bob and Keilah. I had to document it. Truce is over.  Ana had her friend over one afternoon and they had great fun putting on "make-up" and doing their hair. I love those goofballs.  I finally took David up to get his permit - he turned 14 back in August. We went to the high school parking lot for his first driving lesson.  I enjoy screaming in terror when he gets behind the wheel. He did pretty good for driving lesson one.   Our annual graham cracker house making day.  Keilah decided it was more fun to eat the house than build the house.  The kids at church put on a Christmas play. They did a great job with their various roles. Ana was a news anchor and was excited to put on real make-up (she threatened to do her own in the...