New Schedule Mingled with Cuteness and Perspective
First of all, I'd like to say that I finally figured out how to get a subscribe by email thingamajig on this here blog. Look over to your right and feel free to subscribe if you'd like to be notified of my infrequent postings. I'm planning on not posting these on facebook anymore, so if you really want to read it, you'll either need to check the site here or subscribe. We're settling into our new daily schedule after the first week of the new year being messed up by snow days. We have awesome neighbors here and one of them owns a snowblower that he loves to use. So when we get any substantial snow, he goes out and clears the sidewalks up and down the block. Keilah was frightened by the noise, but thankfully she has a big sister to run to for protection when she gets scared. This is what my mornings often look like Abby and I decided to make cookies together one day. She wanted to make a huge flower, so I let her design, cut, and decorate her own huge c...