
Thank you to everyone who has commented for my mom on my last post.  I really appreciate it and so does she.  You guys are awesome.  There is still time to encourage my mom, so don't delay!  So we are entering Day 2 of our challenge.  So far so good.  Last night for supper (I have assured Aaron that I will work hard to not disrupt his eating too much, though I may be trying out new recipes.  I'll just add chunks of meat to his portion so he doesn't feel deprived and I'll give him cheese to sprinkle on things) we had our favorite black bean and rice soup.  It was mostly vegan to begin with, all I had to do was substitute out the chicken broth in the recipe.  It makes a great meal and the family loves it already, so it was good for me too!  I did try out a new cornbread recipe.  I found it here.  The kids came by one by one as they were seeing what was for supper and took a look at the cornbread and asked what it was.  I told them I was trying out a new corn bread recipe.  Each one, independant of one another asked in trepidation, "Does it have bananas in it?"  I think I may have scarred them with my bananamania.  To their defense, the flax seed I used in it did make it look like banana bread.  I definitely had a laugh over that one.  Everyone liked it enough to want seconds and say it was good.  In my opinion, it's not as good as the cornbread I make that contains eggs, milk, and butter along with a fair amount of sugar.  But this is definitely healthier and a good alternative. 

And you should be proud of me.  The kids asked if we could try making snow ice cream today with all the new snow.  I made some for them and really wanted to try it out since I've never had it before and it looked yummy.  But being made with milk and piles of sugar is out for me.  So I made just enough for them to enjoy and listened to them exclaim over how much they loved it.  David declared that now he has a good reason to move to Alaska if he should ever have that opportunity arise.  I'm not sure if snow ice cream merits a move that far. 

Check back tomorrow for a very meat-full post on my last hurrah date night!


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  2. The cornbread was actually just as good as any other cornbread I've ever et, and let me assure you I know cornbread. I don't really understand flax seed (it's flavorless and slimy) but it worked just fine. Maybe that sliminess contributed to the delicious moistness of the bread. It made the bread look like it was flecked with dirt, but oh well, looks can be deceiving. Like I said, it was just fine. And for any of you out there who think I'm having trouble with this new diet or "doing the man thing" and pouting on the inside, it's not true, I am happy as a termite in a lumber mill. (Thanks for the chili, Sara)


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