Summer Stomach

I had a delightful picking of strawberries yesterday.  I had enough to make a fresh strawberry pie and still have some leftovers.  It was so exciting to make it from strawberries I didn't have to buy.  I was going to take a picture of my lovely pie, but I couldn't wait long enough for it to set up properly and dug into it while it was still kind of runny.  It still tasted delicious even if it didn't look as pretty.
I suffer from a syndrome in the summer that I call "summer stomach".  Summer stomach happens to me when the weather turns warm.  At that point, food no longer has a huge appeal to me.  Well, let me correct myself, most foods hold no appeal and cooking becomes more of a chore instead of a way to relax.  I usually only want to eat certain foods when the weather turns warm.  Those are: melons, strawberries, corn on the cob and salads.  I could very happily subsist on only those items all summer long.  Unfortunately, I am the only one in my family who gets summer stomach.  Everyone else still thinks that any and all foods are acceptable, and not only are they acceptable, but they would like to continue to eat them during the summer.  Thus, many summer nights are spent in angst trying to come up with a main dish to my melons, corn, and salad.  Last night was such a night to suffer from summer stomach.  I have found if I grill some meat to put on our salads, it will pass for a meal most of the time.  So this is what I came up with for supper.
It was mostly acceptable to the rest of the family as a main meal, especially when I announced that there would be pie for dessert too.  You just gotta know how to work the crowd, I guess.

Question:  So am I the only one who suffers from summer stomach?  Are there any others out there who enjoy only certain foods once the weather turns hot?  Tell me I'm not alone!


  1. No, I feel you. Cooking gets hard in the summer. I just want cool, easy, wet foods.

  2. Those berries look so good, and the salad to die for! I'm with you on the summer food thing - it's too hot to cook and fresh stuff just hits the spot.

    I'd love to build a small wood-fired oven sometime; imagine pizza with those summer foods. Yum. And the heat would be outdoors.

    Love to all, MomK/GrammaK

  3. Definitely get summer appetite here. Fruits, veggies, salads, dairy and especially ICE CREAM (oh, I eat that all year!), and anything pickled or with vinagrette dressing (weird, huh, crave vinegar in the summer). Have to remind myself to eat meat.


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