Reasons #4586 and #4587 of why I love my kids
Garden season is upon us, and with that comes fresh salads! My children love salads, especially when they can get it straight from our back yard. Ana was hungry yesterday and found that she had a couple of radishes ready in her own little garden plot. So she happily picked them, along with some lettuce and spinach and herbs and made herself a salad for a snack. She then made some homemade dressing following my very detailed instructions: "Get a small bowl and put a bit of honey in it, add some lemon juice and a little bit of olive oil. Then add some herbs if you want and some salt and pepper." She was delighted to do that and ended up making a salad and bit of dressing three different times for her siblings and her to enjoy.
I hung out my laundry yesterday to dry. When I went outside to bring it in, I found David like this.
Notice that he is situated right by the garden. He sat there munching on spinach and dill. He loves to eat fresh herbs, so much that his Grandma helped him plant his own herb garden here. He and the girls often get a snack of herbs on their way to the van when we are going somewhere. I then open up the van door and am greeted by a strong odor of various herbs coming from each child and I then tell them what they have each eaten. They think it's hilarious.
I told David that he reminds me of a cat with how he likes to find some place warm and cozy to curl up and read a book.
Question for you: Do you use much by way of fresh herbs? What are some of your favorites?
This whole post is reason #2458084325 you're an awesome parent.